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How do I get rid of radon in my home?

By October 2, 2021October 22nd, 2021Radon Gas Testing
How do I get rid of radon in my home?

Radon gas is an odorless, colorless, and tasteless gas that makes its way into a home through cracks in the foundation. This gas is responsible for approximately twenty-five thousand deaths in the United States alone. But how do you know if it’s in your house, and if it is, how do you get rid of it?

To get rid of radon gas, you can install a radon fan, keep your home well ventilated, and hire a radon abatement contractor to remove the gas. You may also need to seal the cracks in the foundation to prevent the substance from getting in.

How do radon tests work?

To perform a radon test, you will need to buy a do-it-yourself radon kit and carefully follow its instructions. You can also buy an electronic radon testing device to read radon levels, but perhaps the best way to test for radon is to hire a professional to perform the testing for you. The expert will typically be a trained industrial hygienist, and they will have the skills and tools to do the job correctly. He will generally use small canisters equipped with a unique charcoal filter and place them in the lowest living area of your home for at least two full days. The site needs to be prepared before the test can start. No traffic may be active at least 12 hours before the test and during the sample period, and no air from outside can get in the room as it can negatively impact the test. If your home is equipped with a radon fan, you can leave it on, and if you are running a heating and cooling system, they too and be left running. However, these systems must not draw air from outside. Radon kits are not to be placed in the crawl space as this does not show radon gas levels that are trapped inside the house where you live.

How to pass a radon test

The Environmental Protection Agency sets safe exposure limit standards for radon gas at between 2 pCi and 4 pCi. If the number exceeds 4 pCi, you need to hire a radon abatement contractor to remove the radon from your house when you get a radon test. Once that is done, a follow-up test should be performed to measure the levels to ensure they remain within safe limits.

Radon testing cost

Getting your house tested for radon can cost between $350 to $450, including the service, testing, and a report.

Radon testing near me

You can find qualified radon testing professionals in your area by doing a google search. Alternatively, you can contact the professionals at 5 Microns Inc. for a free no-obligation estimate for radon testing. Results are available withing3-5 business days, and we also offer same-day service. Don’t hesitate to give us a call. Call 425-440-8787 Now! We are open Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM and Saturday from 9 AM to 3:30 PM.