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How can I test the air quality in my bedroom?

By September 30, 2021October 28th, 2021Air Quality Testing
How can I test the air quality in my bedroom?

Every time you get inside your bedroom, the room feels damp, and there’s a musty smell. It doesn’t make you feel comfortable to sleep in, and you feel tired all the time. You believe the air quality is suspect, but how can you test the air quality in your bedroom to find out if there are airborne contaminants. There are a few options, but the right one depends on different factors. We are going to look at some of these in this blog article.

Air quality testing for mold

If your room smells musty, feels damp, and you always feel tired, there is a high probability that you have a high level of mold growth. The mold may not be visible, and in that case, it would be best to conduct a mold air quality test. You can buy a mold air quality test kit, which will most likely include a Petri Dish with Agar. Another option is to use a calibrated mold air pump with an attached cassette media—aka a mold trap. Or you can use a high-volume pump that also uses cassette media. There are pros and cons to each option, but basically, if you want a quick and inexpensive solution to test for mold in the air, a kit with a Petri Dish will do, and if you want more data and accuracy, then use a pump.

Home air quality test

It may be that you don’t have a mold air quality test problem; maybe it’s a VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) issue. To help you determine the cause of air contamination in your home, you should enlist the help of an air quality professional or industrial hygienist. The most common air quality problem stems from mold, and the second is VOCs. Find a professional to help you make that determination.

Indoor air quality testing cost

A do-it-yourself home air quality test can cost you about $20, plus the cost of lab testing, which can be about $40 per sample. However, if you want to use an air pump, you will have to rent one for around $30 per day plus the cost of testing each sample, which costs $50 to $250 per sample. Some labs wu=ill let you use their pump free of charge if you send them the samples for testing. Hiring an industrial Hygienist will add about $500 to the testing cost. Prices vary widely due to the myriad of air quality tests available.

Air quality testing near me

All you need to do is conduct a google search to find an air quality testing professional. You can also search for an industrial hygienist. 5 Microns Inc. offers indoor air quality testing services. We are open from 8 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday, and 9 am to 3:30 pm Saturday. We offer mold air quality testing, TO15, formaldehyde,  lead, asbestos, radon, and more. Call 425-440-8787 Now!