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What to do if asbestos is in the air?

By April 27, 2022May 4th, 2022Asbestos
What to do if asbestos is in the air?

Asbestos testing lab

Asbestos testing lab near me

The carpet in your basement was old and musty, so you decided to remove it, throw it out and install some new flooring. After consulting with one of the large reputable contractors in the area, you were told by them that you would need to get the air tested for asbestos for the work on putting in new flooring. You are puzzled at the request because you didn’t think that the carpet contained asbestos, but you learned that the glue under the rug could be asbestos, and after getting the sample tested, it was indeed hot. Now what you need to do is find out if the asbestos-containing resin under the carpet released fibers in the air, thus contaminating it, which puts everyone in danger. If you have airborne asbestos in quantities that are deemed unsafe, you will need to hire an abatement contractor to remove the fibers.

Asbestos is a significant cause of cancer and should be avoided. The EPA suggests that there is no safe exposure to asbestos. However, they also suggest that anyone working around asbestos is exposed for 8 hours. The safest exposure limit is 0.1 fibers per cubic centimeter during this period.

Asbestos testing lab

You can save some money by taking a sample yourself and testing it at an asbestos testing lab. Just make sure to protect yourself by wearing the appropriate PPE. You will need a respirator with P100 cartridges, coveralls, and latex gloves. But to get an air sample, you will need a mechanical pump with plastic tubing and an air cassette to capture the fibers. You will likely have to buy the pump as most labs may not rent the equipment for asbestos testing.

The best way to test the air for asbestos is to work with a professional with an asbestos certification—and an AHERA inspector. The expert has the tools and expertise necessary to perform the sampling and test. Besides, the flooring contractor will most likely not accept results from the samples you’ve taken yourself to protect himself from liabilities relating to asbestos.

Asbestos testing near me

An asbestos air test can usually be completed within a couple of hours, but the results will probably take a couple of days to be available. Many asbestos inspectors are available to help you with your asbestos air testing project. You can find one through your building department; they should have a list of all actively licensed inspectors in your state on their website.

The professionals at 5 Microns Inc. perform many asbestos air tests each year and can assist you with all your asbestos needs. We are open Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM and Saturday from 9 AM to 3:30 PM. Our inspectors are experts in the field and have all the required certifications. We also offer next-day service. You can also send us a sample of asbestos, lead, mold, and drinking water for testing. Give us a call if you have any questions; we look forward to speaking with you soon.

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