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How do labs test for mold?

By November 25, 2021Mold
How do labs test for mold?

There’s been a leak in the roof at your apartment over in the dining area, and based on your experience with a similar problem in the past, you know that it can cause mold. Hiring an expert to come over to the office to check for mold is costly, and your landlord is spendthrift and will not reimburse you if the cost is too high, but you need to know if mold is growing on the ceiling as soon as possible to prevent any health issues. You decide that it would be good to get a sample from the leaky area and have a mold testing lab examine it for mold.

Home mold testing

If you have a leaky roof and can see bubbling paint, there could be mold growing in that area; you will need a sample to identify the mold. There are mold testing kits that can be purchased online or at a hardware store which can aid in getting an example, but you don’t necessarily need these kits to get a mold sample. To get a model, use a cotton swab and rub it around the area, or you can also use a piece of cellophane tape. After getting a sample, place the swab in a small sandwich bag, and in the case of the tape lift, tape it to the bag—label with a number and location. Take at least two samples.

Mold air testing

If you have the opportunity to take additional samples, get some air samples in the affected area. Mold air samples using an electric air pump will yield even more data, such as non-visible and non-viable mold spore, the latter being a carrier of mycotoxins. The mold air pump can also trap more species of mold colonies.

How to test for mold

Getting samples to test for mold is just one part of the process; the next part is to have the examples examined by a mold testing lab technician by Phase Contrast Microscopy to determine mold’s presence, type, and spore count. That is an essential step as it will aid mold remediation professionals in choosing the best method to use to eradicate the mold.

Mold testing lab near me

Most big cities have mold testing labs, and if you need to find one, get on google and search for “mold testing lab near me,” and several labs should pop up in the search results. Check out the labs with the best reviews and ask them if their lab holds a mold testing certification.

Same day mold testing

If you’re dealing with significant water damage and mold infestation, you may need to get fast results. In that case, you should look for a mold testing lab that offers same-day mold testing. The professionals at 5 Microns Inc. offer same-day mold testing at a very reasonable price. We will even help you find qualified mold remediation experts to help remove the mold as we only provide the testing to avoid any conflict of interest. We are open Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM and Saturday from 9 AM to 3 PM. Call 425-440-8787 Now!