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Is it ok to live in a house with radon?

By October 29, 2021November 6th, 2021Radon Gas Testing
Is it ok to live in a house with radon?

Since you’ve renovated the basement of your house, the family has been spending a lot more time there watching movies, working out, and playing. Just the other day, you heard about radon gas and all the associated health risk of exposure to it, so you have some concerns for the health safety of your family. That is a fair concern as radon can cause cancer, and it is linked to about 21,000 deaths in the United States each year.

Radon is a colorless and odorless gas that is formed in the earth from Uranium. This gas builds and ascends in the soil and makes its way through the cracks in the foundation of your home. Once inside, it is trapped and is exposed to your family.

How do radon tests work?

To get a radon test done, you can usually buy a self-test kit or buy an electronic radon testing device that you can get online. Both options can work; however, they are limited in their ability to provide accurate results. The user may not be well educated on how to test for radon, or the device may not be using the right filter and calibrated correctly.

A standard method used by professionals is short-term tests that last from two to four days. These kits are equipped with a unique charcoal filter that can trap radon gas and are analyzed by a laboratory technician. The equipment must be placed in the lowest level living space in the house. No outside air can come in the room where the kit is installed to prevent interference with the test, but if you run a radon fan, it can stay On during sampling.

How to pass a radon test

Ensure that one will now enter the room at least 8 hours before the test begins and during the testing period. A reading between 2 and 4 Picocuries is acceptable and considered safe, and you can still live in the house. However, if the test results come back with a reading above four PCI, the radon gas will need to be removed from the home.

Radon testing cost

Radon testing will cost about $300 for a standard short-term test, and the price should also include the service call fee and the kit with results and will be interpreted by the consultant.

Radon testing near me

There are many good radon testing service companies in the US. Search on Google for “radon testing near me,” and you’ll find several capable companies to help you. But you can also contact the professionals at 5 Microns Inc. for assistance with radon testing. We have all the requisite experience and tools to perform the work correctly, and we are open between 8 AM and 5 PM Monday to Friday and Saturday from 9 AM to 3 PM. Call 425-440-8787 Now!