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Asbestos Testing Lab—Lung Cancer and Asbestos

By December 25, 2020October 4th, 2021Asbestos
Asbestos Testing Lab

Many circumstances cause lung cancer, asbestosis being one. Those with the highest lung cancer incidents due to high levels of asbestos exposure have historically been those employed in the manufacture of asbestos products, with incident levels five times greater than the general public, and cigarette smokers with rates ten times higher than the general public. Cigarette smokers who work with asbestos are at fifty times greater risk of contracting lung cancer than non-smokers. There is what is called a synergic relationship between cigarette smoking and asbestos. It can take twenty years from the time a cigarette smoker is exposed to asbestos and lung cancer manifestation. There is no safe level of asbestos exposure, though a dose-response relationship between asbestos and lung cancer has been observed. According to several research papers published in the mid-1980s, it is implied that exposure levels of certain types of asbestos fibers under the point of occurrences of lung cancer-related asbestos exposure will not exceed that of the broad public.

Mesothelioma asbestos in buildings is the most concerning and uncommon type of asbestos-related disease.


Mesothelioma is a cancer of the chest cavity lining—mesothelium. Pleura mesothelioma develops in the chest cavity. Mesothelioma can also occur in the lining of the abdominal cavity and can materialize in the abdominal cavity lining. And peritoneal mesothelioma, which is formed in the abdominal cavity, is a fatal type and will quickly spread. Medical experts do not yet understand the intricacies and operations of this disease. There doesn’t seem to be a dose-response relationship between asbestos exposure and mesothelioma. There appears to be no apparent risk with cigarette smokers getting mesothelioma. In mesothelioma studies, it has been shown that crocidolite asbestos exposure is closely associated with the disease. Exposure to just a single asbestos mineral is quite unusual for an asbestos-exposed person. It may take mesothelioma between 20-40 years before developing from initial exposure.

Persons exposed to asbestos more often than the general public suffers from several of the following asbestos-related diseases. Colon and pancreas cancer, pleural plaques, pleural thickening, pleural effusion, cancer of the esophagus, colon, and stomach cancer. Not wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment is a significant factor in developing asbestos-related diseases. That is the reason why it is so important to wear PPE to protect against asbestos-related diseases.

If you think you have been exposed to asbestos, it is essential to speak with your family physician for advice. You may suspect that your home contains asbestos building material. It is a good idea to have an asbestos test on building material that can easily be disturbed from remodeling or everyday use. You can take a small sample of the asbestos-containing material and send it to an asbestos testing lab for analysis. Alternatively, you can hire an AHERA consultant to manage to process for you. The consultant will perform a complete survey and provide a report, including a certificate. They will also interpret the results and provide recommendations. Once the asbestos testing lab receives the sample(s), they will place them under polarized light microscopy for analysis. The lab may be able to get you the results within one week, and perhaps even one day from receipt. If the material tests positive for asbestos, you will need to hire a professional asbestos abatement contractor for its removal. You can find a local asbestos abatement contractor and an AHERA consultant by contacting your local building department. They should have a list of licensed companies in your local area.

Where can I send a sample for asbestos testing?

Mail-in asbestos testing:

5 Microns Inc.

7100 Fort Dent Way #100

Tukwila, WA 98188

IMPORTANT-MUST READ FIRST: All mail-in samples must have a tracking number and include our asbestos chain of custody form to be processed. If the chain of custody form is missing, your sample(s) will not be accepted and processed. Drop-offs MUST have the COC form inside your package but not in the sample bag. DO NOT MAIL YOUR SAMPLES BY FIRST CLASS MAIL. Send your sample(s) via USPS Priority Mail, UPS, and FedEx. It is essential to closely follow these directions so our asbestos testing lab can promptly process your sample(s).

*PLEASE NOTE FOR ALL DROP-OFFS: All samples must be dropped off at the back of the office building located at 7100 Fort Dent Way Tukwila WA outside the Tabor 100 Office and placed inside the black drop-box pictured below. Do not take your samples to the front desk. The front desk will not accept drop-offs over the counter, NO EXCEPTIONS