Looking for a home in a tough housing market, your broker found you an excellent house in an ideal area with lots of conveniences, a good school district, and a low crime rate. When you tour the home with your inspector, you go to the basement and see what appears to be mold on the walls. The inspector informs you to get it inspected by a mold inspector to fully ascertain the issue before you finalize the deal, as mold growth can be a potential problem for the building’s integrity, esthetics, and health.

Mold remediation process

Before mold remediation, an accredited mold inspector must survey the problem to verify that the visible substance on the walls is mold and find the problem’s source. The water may have come from leaky plumbing in the wall, water intrusion outside the home because of a lack of waterproofing or a slope, a roof leak, etc. Once the cause of the mold is identified, it must be fixed by a professional, and after the repairs are complete, the mold remediation process can start. The mold remediation consultant will need to use the report created by the mold inspector to perform the remediation work. This report may also include a protocol to do the remediation. Remediation work does not always require removing walls or other materials. Often, water can be removed by mopping, using a water extraction vacuum dry vacuum, and mold can be removed with damp rags and a mild detergent, brushes, fogging, and air scrubbing.

Once the work is complete, a follow-up air test or a clearance test should be conducted to verify the remediation’s effectiveness. The above is the process in a nutshell.

Mold remediation cost

Mold remediation can range from $1000 to $10,000 or more for larger whole-house projects. However, the average is around $4500.

Mold testing and remediation

Some companies may offer testing and remediation services, which may seem like a conflict of interest. However, if a non-affiliated and accredited third-party laboratory does the testing, it removes the conflict of interest.

Mold remediation near me

Suppose you’re looking for mold remediation services in your area. In that case, chances are you’ll have no problem finding one online or asking your contractor, neighbors, and friends for a good referral, which is ideal. Or you can call the pros at 5 Microns Inc. We can serve you Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM and Saturday from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Let us provide you with a free no, no-obligation estimate. We are at 7100 Fort Dent Way, Ste. 100, Seattle, WA 98188. You can book an appointment online at www.5microns.tech/online-appointments. Call 425-440-8787 Now!