The general contractor you just hired gave you the bid to remodel your house, which was built in 1975. He informed you that they would not commence the work until the wall, which will be disturbed, has to be tested for asbestos; this is because, before 1978, wall texture and some of the drywall material could contain asbestos. The contractor wants to ensure they are not liable for any damages arising from exposure to asbestos due to their work.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring fiber that is found in certain types of rocks; it has desirable properties such as being fireproof, tensile strengths, it’s a strong adhesive, insulator, and vapor barrier, to name some. Contrary to popular belief, there is no outright ban on asbestos in the United States. However, asbestos is banned from being used in certain products, but its use is permitted in others with limitations. Asbestos can be found in your brake liners, drywall, roof vapor barrier, and vinyl floor mastic. Asbestos is a carcinogen and can cause lung cancer, and the EPA states there is no safe exposure to asbestos.
Wall materials such as joint drywall compounds can include asbestos to keep the drywall glued. Many older homes between the 1920s through the 1940s had plaster walls that may have had asbestos. It is vital to properly check for the presence of asbestos in your walls before demolition, repairs, or remodeling work begins. You can test for asbestos and have the material examined by a certified asbestos testing lab or hire an accredited professional to perform the job. It is important to note also that you will need to check with your state’s building department before commencing any work involving the disturbance of asbestos-containing material. Some states may levy heavy fines for not complying with the code.
To test a wall for the presence of asbestos, take a 3-square-inch piece is needed. The piece needs to be examined by a PLM microscope in an accredited laboratory. The results will show the presence, type, and percentage of asbestos. It would be best to use extreme caution when taking a sample of asbestos-containing material for testing; make sure to wear the proper PPE before collecting a sample. Let a professional handle the job is best.
Asbestos testing near me
You can find accredited asbestos testing professionals in your city by looking through your local building department’s website or getting a referral from a trusted general contractor. Ask the local clean air agency in your state if they have a list of certified asbestos professionals in your area. There are two types of asbestos professionals: inspectors and abatement contractors. Do not use the same company that performs both services to remove any conflict of interest.
If you need to get your walls tested for the presence of asbestos, the highly skilled professionals at 5 Microns Inc. can assist. We offer limited and demolition asbestos surveys. You can also drop off or mail samples to be tested. We are available Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm and Saturday from 9 am to 3:30 pm.