Let’s face it, no house is ever perfect unless you build a custom home, and even then, there are some compromises. In the current high-demand real estate market, you found a house close to ideal for your family. But most homes closer to your price range happen to be older and perhaps built before 1978, when the EPA put the kibosh on asbestos—banning its use in certain items and limiting quantities used. Your offer on this 1968 rambler was accepted. However, the house appears that it was never updated since it was new, which means that there is a high probability that the building materials contain asbestos.
The house’s interior is stuck in the 60s and does not fit your taste, lifestyle, or current living standards, so you’ll need to improve the place to bring it up to date. If you want to know which building material needs to test for asbestos, it is advisable to talk with an expert like an AHERA building inspector. The expert will ascertain which items are classified as ACM—asbestos-containing material and which ones will need to be tested for asbestos based on the scope of your home remodeling project. The professional will also keep you from getting into a potential legal quagmire with the authorities.
It is essential to mention that only when ACM materials are disturbed is when they pose a health risk. The asbestos fibers can only become airborne when the material is disturbed. Hence, the only items that need asbestos testing are the ones that will be disturbed during the remodeling process if they are identified as asbestos-containing-material by the EPA.
If you want to go at it alone and save a few bucks, you will need to learn how to take a sample and get it tested for the presence of asbestos. The process is not too complicated, but this approach has some drawbacks. First, you are putting yourself at risk, you may not do it correctly, and if you are working with a contractor, the results may not be acceptable to obtain permits or avoid liability issues.
Asbestos testing lab
When you do the work yourself, the testing portion needs to be conducted by a certified asbestos testing lab. The laboratory will test the samples under Polarized Light Microscopy and provide the results. However, as mentioned above, this approach does not guarantee that the work you performed was done correctly, thus making the results unreliable for remodeling purposes or when you need to hire a contractor, or if you need to get a permit.
Asbestos testing near me
Suppose you are in a situation where you are hiring a contractor to do the work or want to ensure that the asbestos work is done right and passes muster. In that case, you need to find reliable asbestos testing professional in your area. Go online and search for “asbestos testing near me” to find one. The professionals at 5 Microns Inc can assist you with all of your asbestos testing needs. We are available Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Call 425-440-8787 Now!